Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dwelling on What's Missing - Lessons Learned -Gratitude

There is brightness and light amidst the pastel leaves of those past their prime. Life is still full and rich.

In my last post, I was dwelling on the dying part of the Fireflag scene. At the same time, I spent a large portion of the day dwelling on what's missing in my life with Sam, as Parkinson's does its ravaging on him. What's missing every time I get in that state is the Gratitude for, and acknowledgment of, what is good in our lives.

Sam's balance is great, his walking fine. We took a great walk around our neighborhood tonight... nine-tenths of a mile is the route and we had fun looking at rabbits in the dark and, frogs on well-lit driveways, geckos on a garage door. Sam even responded to some questions.

What's always present is our love for each other and, especially, Sam's unconditional love for me, no matter what I do, how temporarily nasty I may get.

For this and so much more, am I grateful.


At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like it's been rough going lately, but your most recent post shows progress. Not all of us make it to gratitude, so I congratulate you on that step.


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